The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172831   Message #4195451
Posted By: Steve Shaw
14-Jan-24 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
Subject: RE: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
Gaza has been illegally blockaded since 2006. Illegal settlements have proliferated in the illegally occupied West Bank for decades. An apartheid wall has been built. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been slaughtered, their home obliterated and their futures ruined for life, and hardly any of them have done anything wrong.   Perhaps you'd care to contemplate all that, revisit your post and tell me once again that it's "what Hamas did to Gaza." While you're at it, perhaps you'd care to research the reasons why we have Hamas and Hezbollah in the first place. No blinkers this end, old boy. Just seeing what's been going on with eyes wide open. Of course, you may see it differently. If you do, you could be finding yourself in a dwindling minority.