The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172831   Message #4195858
Posted By: Donuel
21-Jan-24 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
Subject: RE: BS: Hamas attacks Israel - part II
Blinkers? That euphemism is over a century old. Its older than 'icebox'. Today the term for being partially blinded to one's own suspicion and prejudice might be called wearing a VR headset or an invisible blindfold that blinds the wearer.

Fear, prejudice and suspicion are stacked one upon another like bricks that build a wall. Each brick is made of lies and hate until it is impenetrable to all understanding. All that is heard through the wall is a toxic discourse that calls for war.

This happens in social media, a neighborhood, a village, houses of worship, and even nations.

Blinkers is an old term but so is war.