The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608 Message #4196057
Posted By: Helen
24-Jan-24 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
You want warmer weather, keb? Come over to Oz for our two days of major heatwaves. LOL
Newcastle NSW usually misses most of the really hot weather because we get the coastal breezes but the forecast is for two days of 40 to 41 deg Celsius (approx 104 to 106 deg Fahrenheit) today and tomorrow. Luckily a cool wind is predicted for tomorrow afternoon.
This all follows a few weeks of unusually high humidity, even at night. I'm over it.
Tomorrow is Invasion Day, aka Survival Day, known by the English colonisers as Australia Day. A public holiday where a huge number of people are expected to flock to the beach or other water areas and subsequently get heatstroke. Not me. I'm staying indoors with the block-out blinds drawn, sipping my strawberry flavoured, home made iced tea spritzer.