The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173055   Message #4196274
Posted By: Donuel
28-Jan-24 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Our reinvented Science - AI contributions
Subject: BS: Our reinvented Science
Starting with Medical science we are seeing with new AI eyes.
The myriad of discoveries offers us new knowledge but with very little explainability.
For example, a retinal scan with mechanical AI eyes is found that it can diagnose a host of neurological diseases like Parkinson's', Alzheimer's, and others five years before disease onset. It also predicts heart problems and dozens of other major health issues.
Just don't ask why or how because we don't know yet. We are being given an abundance of knowledge but not an explanation in the area of brain science that has developed an Atlas of over 3,000 different types of brain cells.
In October 2023, an international group of scientists released an impressively detailed cell atlas of the human brain, published in 21 papers in the journals Science, Science Advances and Science Translational Medicine.

The human brain has roughly 171 billion cells, which makes it a herculean task to categorize them all. Scientists collected samples from different parts of the brain and have identified 3,000 different types of cells. Each cell contains thousands of genes and each cell type only expresses a small fraction of those. Cataloging cells by their gene expressions paves the way for scientists to tailor disease treatments to target only the affected cells. This human brain cell atlas is only the first draft, but it could signal a paradigm shift in how we understand and treat neurological diseases.

There are already examples where even amateurs entered symptoms that could not be diagnosed for years but the cause was solved by Chat GPT.