The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160996   Message #4196503
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-Feb-24 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: Gunga Din. Racist or just of its time?
Subject: RE: Gunga Din. Racist or just of its time?
"to appreciate many good things the British also left behind."

Ah! An apologist.

Of course it's racist. It is of its time and written from a place of privilege and entitlement.

The things the British left behind - plundered landscape, altered crops (based upon what the British wanted to grow for profit, not what people grew to live on), mangled princely states, religious turmoil, and the coup de grĂ¢ce - partitioning India and Pakistan.

Add insult to injury, make it even worse by filming the story with the protagonist played by Sam Jaffee. A Jewish American actor in black face. The gift that keeps on giving.

Even good intentions today go sadly awry. What went wrong for Joanna and the Gurkhas? Reparation and letting them stay in situ with better pensions would have probably served better.

Once you mess up a place, it's awfully difficult to fix it. But first you have to understand the problem. (This discussion hasn't been particularly productive in the US for American Indian tribal descendents and the descendents of Africans enslaved for hundreds of years.) Just don't pretend that when you enslaved or colonized people you were adding value to their lives. You weren't.