The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173067   Message #4196589
Posted By: GUEST,cestrienne
03-Feb-24 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Stuart Lawrence, Furness
Subject: Lyr Req: Stuart Lawrence, Furness
The exceedingly lovely Dave Burland has very recently put a FB post up, asking for details of a song written by Stuart Lawrence. The assorted replies have given some info - he started Furness Morris, says Gordon Jones.

The song that Dave is after starts

Oh what in the world is the world coming to
You cannot trust other like you used to do,
They rob you and cheat you, put you to shame
They’ve no morals at all and they won’t play the game.

Does anyone know the rest, and can anyone supply the tune?

Many thanks!