The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172859   Message #4196712
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
05-Feb-24 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
Lots of moving parts when keeping track of Trump trials. There are two higher courts looking at his claims of immunity and his standing as far as appearing on ballots in states.

Looking into the final verdict in the civil fraud trial that wrapped up last month, last Friday a spokesman for the New York State Office of Court Administration said "It’s looking like early to mid-February, as a rough estimate, and subject to modifications. But that’s the working plan now."

In the E. Jean Carroll second trial, Trump has 30 days after the judgement to pay at least $90M, though she can't collect until after the appeal. Trump is trying to get the results overturned because Carroll's lead attorney worked in the same legal firm as the judge thirty years ago. He is the king of grasping at straws. He already dropped $5M in cash for the first Carroll verdict last year.

In Business Insider they say
A source familiar with the case, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to do so publicly, told Business Insider that Trump's $5.5 million was still there, pending the outcome of his appeal of that first verdict. An appellate court is set to eventually decide whether Carroll gets all, some, or none of that $5.5 million.

This time around, Trump can again ask the judge to let him set Carroll's second, much higher damages award aside in a court-managed account. There, it would sit pending appeal, just like the $5.5 million from the first verdict.

If the judge says no — and $90 million is a lot for a court to babysit — Trump would have to secure Carroll's money through what's called an appeal bond.

The bond would cost him a lot more. Follow the link for that discussion.