The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173073   Message #4196812
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Dow
09-Feb-24 - 07:11 AM
Thread Name: Book promo's in Dorset and Hampshire
Subject: Book promo's in Dorset and Hampshire
Just a quick post to extend an invitation to you. We are presenting an evening of Folk songs from Dorset and Hampshire in Bridport and Lymington respectively, on the 4th and 5th of April. (Details Below) There is a really strong lineup of singers for you and of course, there will be a selection of folk songbooks for sale, from Francis Boutle Publishers. Clive Boutle will be there in person, and I think they will be a memorable evenings.
The lineup includes The magnificent Steve Turner, Cohen Braithwaite -Kilcoyne, Nick Dow, and we are really glad to welcome Annie Winter, John Waltham and Sophie Wright.
Steve Turner is known as a pioneer of highly sophisticated English concertina song accompaniments, stretching the boundaries of traditional forms, with one of the best voices in the business. He is a multi-instrumentalist, who also accompanies himself on the cittern, and also plays mandolin and tenor banjo.
Annie is a lovely singer of predominantly traditional songs, and has been heavily involved with the promotion of George Gardiner’s song collection, and making a name for herself in clubs and festivals around the country.
Cohen needs very little introduction Described in The Living Tradition as ‘captivating, bold and striking’, Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne is at the forefront of his generation of English folk musicians as both a powerful and commanding singer and a masterful player of the Anglo concertina and melodeon.
John Waltham and Sophie Wright are well-known singers and liked and respected throughout the southern counties and beyond.
There is an event bright link for you and the details are as follows:-

AN EVENING OF FOLK SONGS FROM DORSET featuring Steve Turner, Nick Dow, John Waltham, and Sophie Wright.
At the BRIDPORT WI HALL North St. Bridport DT63JQ
7-30 to 10 pm on the 4th of April 2024 Admission is £7-00

AN EVENING OF FOLK SONGS FROM HAMPSHIRE featuring Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne, Nick Dow Annie Winter and Sophie Wright.
7-30 to 10 pm on the 5th of April 2024 Admission £7-00