Success finally in getting a compounded Rx filled and picking it up.
On a The Best of Sewing With Nancy today on PBS they illustrated how people with fancy embroidery sewing machines are using them for quilting - it was fascinating to watch, though I don't want to run out and get one. But what I do want to run out and find are the spools of embroidery thread; I have many skeins of thread for hand sewing but there isn't a good way to spool it for the machine and bobbin.
Wednesday I was in the town where I worked for 20+ years for some shopping. My daughter needed spices so when comparing brands in the Halal market I asked a young woman on the aisle if she was familiar with the brands I was looking at. She said she was shopping for her mother, and she pointed at the brand that is her mother's favorite. There were similar interesting conversations with a Kurdish stocking clerk from Turkey and the checkout clerk from Afghanistan. Incidental conversations such as speaking to strangers in the grocery store are apparently quite healthy for us.