The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123157   Message #4197785
Posted By: GUEST,Hootenanny
23-Feb-24 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: 'The Singer's Club'
Subject: RE: Folklore: 'The Singer's Club'
Guest twm is plain wrong.

The Ballads and Blues Club continued after the Summer break of 1961 in September at the Seven Down in the premises previously operating as The Partisan coffee bar at number 7 Carlisle Street. The next venue we moved to and certainly the best was The Black Horse pub in Rathbone Place. Sadly Danny the Irish landlord died at quite a young age and we moved to one or two other pubs in the West End.

Jill Cook of Collett's Record shop also ran a Monday night club at The Black Horse after we had been there for a while using singers such as Bert Jansch.

The Ballads and Blues club continued until May 1965. The venue at that time was The King of Corsica in Brewer Street.

The ads in Melody Maker every week were always headed Hootenanny at the Ballads & Blues.

Over a number of years there have been quite a few postings here with mis-information re The Singer's Club run by Ewan and Peggy, and The Ballads and Blues Club, usually as in the case above spouted by someone was not there. Ewan and Peggy left their Ballads and Blues residency in order to have a club where they could dictate the policy.