The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173128   Message #4198284
Posted By: and e
29-Feb-24 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Listen, Listen the Cat is Pissing (poem)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Listen, Listen the Cat is Pissing (poem)

Listen, listen, the cat's a-pissin'.
Where, where, under the chair.
Run, run, get the gun.---
Ain't no use, the bastard's done.

A. Recited by Mr. G.P., Reeds Spring, Missoouri, March 4, 1947. He learned it from Mr. R.W., Garber, Missouri.

B. Text from Mr. R.P., Granby, Missouri, January 8, 1948. He learned it about 1900. The powder, in line 1 is that of old-fashioned shotguns, kept in a powder horn at the hunter's belt.

Listen, listen, the cat's a-pissin' powder!
Where? Where? Under granny's chair.
Get the gun, get the gun!--
Aw, pussy's done.

C. Here's on from Mr. C.W., New York, November 7,, 1948. He got it in Wheatland, Missouri, about 1940:

Listen, listen, the cat's a-pissin'.
Run, run, get the gun.--
Shit, fart, now it's done.

D. Randolph notes that Ray Wood, in What Happened to Mother Goose (1946) p. 34, "prints a defecated version." Like Hamel's "the mobled Queen," deficated is good:

Listen, listen, the cat's a-hissin'
Where, where, under the chair.
Run, run get the gun.--
Aw, 'tain't no use, he's gone.

Note that "The cat's pissin'," is commonly used by children as a smart retort or interruption to anyone saying prefatorily, "Listen..."

Texts above from Blow the Candle Out, rhyme 51, pages 706-707.

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