The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172486   Message #4198372
Posted By: Backwoodsman
02-Mar-24 - 04:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 3
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 3
Very interesting to hear ‘Fishy’ Rishi Sunak, speaking in Downing Street yesterday, complaining that there are elements trying to cause division, and trying to destroy democracy, in the UK.

You’re absolutely right, Rishi. You and your party have been doing those things for years - Tory Brexiteering, Islamophobic statements from Tory MPs, deliberately frustrating long-running pay-disputes with doctors, nurses, and railway-workers and blaming them, denying parliamentary votes and pushing through legislation without a vote being taken, spreading anti-protest propaganda, character-assassinations on MPs of other parties, yadda yadda. I’m sure there are more, but those will do for now.