The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173135   Message #4198461
Posted By: Robert B. Waltz
03-Mar-24 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: Songs of land/housing strife/resistance?
Subject: RE: Songs of land/housing strife/resistance?
The obvious place to start for something like this is Irish "Land League" songs. There are quite a few of these. Among the most popular:

The Blackbird of Avondale/The Arrest of Parnell (Roud #5174)

The Bold Tenant Farmer (Roud #5164; this should be easy to find, because the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem recorded it)

Farmer Michael Hayes/The General Fox Chase (Roud #5226)

Lord Waterford (Roud #6529) is sung to "The Shan Van VOght

The Moneygran Pig Hunt (Roud #13345. Not as popular as the preceding, but with a bit more humor)

The DT version Tommy Armstrong's "Durham Strike/Durham Lockout" (referring to an event of 1892) is supposed to be sung to "Tramps and Hawkers"/"Paddy West," so everyone could easily join in

That's at least something to start with.