The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172873   Message #4199110
Posted By: Donuel
14-Mar-24 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: MOAB's Daughter (of all BS) part 3
Subject: RE: MOAB's Daughter (of all BS) part 3
dyslexia is a different door to perception that can have savant aspects but fails at school regimes. It is also a gift with negative externalities. Imagination and dreams make for poor science but truly great leaps do come from imaginative unlikely places in rare circumstances. These leaps are not intuitive and are often not accepted for years.

IF YOU TRY TO GRAVITATIONALIZE THE QUANTUM WORLD, people would think you are nuts since no one has succeeded with quantum gravity. However, if you allow macro gravity to convert to an electrical potential of a pair of gluons in the quantum world we may have united some important theories. Just look at dust bunnies that coalesce by electric charge or asteroidal dust that combines.

All energies seem to have the ability to exist in another form whether it is mass and energy or a neutrino which can metamorphose into a different neutrino. This notion would simplify many energy relationships. But in the meantime since we can't even find evidence for supersymmetry this idea will be put on hold.

Everyone who looks at it agrees that quantum mechanics is incomplete.
Finding its form of gravity will not complete its nature. Science has been called the new religion. It is true that most of it can be as dull as church. A great breakthrough will probably have to bypass administration.

Such a breakthrough will probably demonstrate that converting space into time may exceed the energy that converts mass into energy.