The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32088   Message #419922
Posted By: wysiwyg
17-Mar-01 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: You and Your 'Folkbabies'
Subject: You and Your 'Folkbabies'
This has been a long time coming but I have to credit Sinsull for pushing me over the edge. And little Katarina who I wrote about last night in the GREAT SPECKELD BIRD thread. And Bernard for sharing an ultrasound picture of his little Crom. (And dear, dear Wes and Bretta. Here I am starting this on St. PATRICK's day.)

I dreamed all night of babies... babies on our laps, babes in arms as we sing, newborns coming into the world knowing the old songs because they've been sung to, prebirth.... babies everywhere... babies sung into being...

And I think we all have had, or have now, or will have, some folkbabies. The littlest ones who may grow up not recalling how the music got into their souls, but who will know that it surely did...

Like a godchild, FOLKBABIES. It might be your child, your neighbor's child, your grandchild, littlest ones in schools... but look around. Do you have some folkbabies?

Will you tell me all about your folkbabies, and what memories they may carry forward as a result of your music?
