The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173167   Message #4199362
Posted By: Joe Offer
19-Mar-24 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: English pro-life album: Little Innocents (Garbutt)
Subject: RE: English pro-life album: Little Innocents (Garbutt)
Here in the U.S., the pro-life movement believes they can legislate abortion away (and they have come dangerously close to success), and they expect pro-life advocates to buy into the entire authoritarian conservative agenda. On top of that, they seem to feel justified about giving false information to support their agenda. I am appalled by the dishonesty of the American pro-life movement.

I'm a lifelong Catholic, and I believe that abortion is not a good thing. If my daughter wanted an abortion, I'd advise against it, and then I'd make clear that I would accept whatever decision she made. The "Little Innocents" song is more-or-less in alignment with my thinking. I do not believe I have the right to coerce a woman not to have an abortion, but I do think I have the right to believe whether it's good or bad. That a woman's right to make that decision. I can speak my opinion, but that's her decision. As a Planned Parenthood physician once told me, an abortion is never a cause for celebration. But sometimes, it's the only reasonable choice.

And so I call myself a "pro-life, pro-choice Catholic." And everybody hates me for that. I also call myself a "radical moderate," and people hate that, too. But that's who I am.
