The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173195   Message #4199374
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
19-Mar-24 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: The Passing of Pets
Subject: RE: BS: GOOD news
I'm sorry about your pooch, BWM. My late pitbull has a Facebook page, but it is uneditable at this point; FB has made it difficult to logon to do anything there. I didn't think of making a Twitter page. It's tough to lose them, but when they've struggled with the ravages of age and arthritis (in our case), it is also a relief. I lost my old lab last week, at 15+ years; when we staggered him into the office the vet agreed it was time.

The good news will come when eventually another dog is rescued and moves into your or my home to have a good quality and long happy life. Not right away, the heart needs time to heal, but rescuing another is a great way to honor the one that has passed.