The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173184   Message #4199822
Posted By: Helen
26-Mar-24 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Sci Fi
Subject: RE: BS: New Sci Fi
I had seen an episode of Dark Mirror Hang the DJ Season 4 Ep 4 and conflated it with one of the Divergent series movies after I saw an episode of an engineering marvel type of documentary which explored the huge fence in Ukraine.

Complicated huh? Well in the BM episode the couple climb a huge wall to escape the confined rules of their society at the end of the episode. In the Divergent movie series there is a huge metal structured wall , and it looks very similar to the Duga Radar System in Ukraine. Later I read somewhere that the Ukraine radar array was the inspiration for the wall in the Divergent series.

My problem was that on seeing the wall in the engineering series my brain was on a mental roundabout flicking from one image to the next and making me unsure of which fictional show had the wall which was similar to the radar array. Lucky for me both series have been on TV again recently so my brain could sort the data anomalies and I can sleep peacefully now.