The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167604   Message #4199911
Posted By: GUEST,henryp
28-Mar-24 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Good Friday customs
Subject: RE: Folklore: Good Friday customs
Oxford Reference; In northern England they were called ‘pace eggs’, ‘peace eggs’, or ‘paste eggs’, corruptions of pasche, the Latin-based medieval word for Easter, here confused with pax = ‘peace’. Aubrey described how children from poor families went from house to house asking in rhyme for eggs to celebrate the death of Jack o' Lent. The custom was called pace-egging, and persisted until late in the 19th century; in the Wirral (Cheshire), one of the rhymes was still remembered in the 1930s (Hole, 1937: 77–8).

At Carlisle on Easter Monday crowds of children gathered in a field to play a game like conkers: two eggs would be tapped together, end to end, till the shell of one cracked, where upon it was forfeit to the owner of the uncracked egg.

Could this be ‘egg jarping’, a game once played by Ulverston born Stan Laurel when he was a young boy in the town?

Annie G Gilchrist collected Beg Your Leave, a Lancashire pace egging song, at Easter 1906. It was sung at Sunderland Point by jolly boys from Overton village. The Gilchrist family still owns property there. Overton is protected from the tide by a high sea wall, but Sunderland Point is still cut off twice a day by the tide. I had a hand in raising the sea wall, which I now call the biggest road hump in the world. Unless, of course, you know better.

So we're jolly boys. We do no harm wherever we may go.
For we've come the pace-egging, as you very well do know.