The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173194   Message #4200305
Posted By: FreddyHeadey
02-Apr-24 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: Naming in threes
Subject: RE: Naming in threes
poem The Song Of Three - Ian McMillan -
(BBC Radio3 - The Verb - 29th March 2024)

For years he lived at number three.
With three brief notes his doorbell chimed.
He sat on his three-legged stool at
three o'clock; his special time
and pondered on the rule of three.
The Little Pigs, The Billy Goats
his triplets in their matching hats and
matching scarves and matching coats;
The way that three can satisfy
something deep within our soul.
The way the triangle contains
profundity that makes us whole.

And so he wrote a three note song in the
key of three - it was three hours long.
He sang it clear he sang it proud
he sang it very flipping loud
there was a banging on the wall -
a knock knock knock upon the brick
with something bigger than a fist
something like a brush, a stick
he just ignored it tapped the floor
three times to keep the tune's three beat.
Tapped it bolder -one -two -three
with greater vigour than before
to drown out the sound
of those next door -
the funny folk -
at number four.

[transcribed with voice recognition; my line breaks & punctuation]
> skip to 38:10

The rest of the programme :
,,, in a mood of celebration Ian McMillan and his guests put the number 3 in the spotlight as they explore the magic and the power of three in poetry, storytelling and writing;
- with poet and memoirist Don Paterson to guide us around those poetic forms based on the number three,
- by long-time Verb favourite Ira Lightman with a brand new commission,
- storyteller and author Daniel Morden
- and The Bookshop Band who'll be performing songs inspired by books and by The Verb.