The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173055   Message #4200397
Posted By: robomatic
04-Apr-24 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our reinvented Science - AI contributions
Subject: RE: BS: Our reinvented Science - AI contributions
In one of the episodes of "Prisoner" the Village rulers are showing off their most recent world beating device, a super computer. Being in the 60s this thing is wall sized with lots of blinkenlights and tapes. The denoument is where The Prisoner is allowed to ask it a question which he does by writing it on a piece of paper and feeding it into a slot. The compute goes mad, lights flash, sparks fly, smoke is emitted,and the new flashy-doodle does the computer equivalent of soiling itself.
The aghast leader says: "What question did you ask it?"

Prisoner smiles one of those self-secure Patrick McGoohan smiles: "Why?"