The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173236   Message #4201228
Posted By: GUEST,Rossey
19-Apr-24 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Spotify has removed loads of folk music
Subject: RE: Tech: Spotify has removed loads of folk music
Spotify are pushing listeners to their listening page with Google headings of Song and lyrics by, even when the act who recorded it had nothing to do with the composition or authorship of the work.   It is an abhorrent and flagrant act of contempt for the creative process that led to the music they are pushing.   Without writers there would not have been the songs they flog to listeners.   Half of the time it is false enticement as the lyrics have not been officially supplied, and when they are they are often mangled or wrong in some way.   As I said earlier, greyed out songs are often due to conflicts of rights, either in the recording supplied or publishing agreements or deletion to make way for another album using the same track. Sometimes you may be re-directed when you click on, to another album with the same track, supplied by a different company or release agent. There may be differing and conflicting prior rights holders of the recording. In the past some parties leased out recordings to external companies on fixed period reversionary rights deals.