The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169613   Message #4202312
Posted By: GeoffLawes
10-May-24 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: Any May songs?
Subject: RE: Any May songs?
BEN, BEN VENI MAG  -  Cantovivo

Translation from the Piedmontese courtesy of Cattia Salto, Google Translate and Monique

Let May come well, let May come well
when the month of May returns.

Mistress, if you don't want to believe that May has arrived,
look out the window and you will see it firmly planted.

Look at our bride, how well dressed she is
She looks like the peach blossom when covered in buds.

Look at our bride what a beautiful dress she has
Who knows who bought it for her, it must have been her mother.

Look at our bride what a beautiful hat she has
Who knows who bought it for her, it must have been her dad.

Look at our bride, what a beautiful ring she has
who knows who bought it for her, it must have been her fiancé.

[We enter this house if there are good people
we ask permission (to go) if everyone is happy]

Oh, you mistress if you want to pay
the rest of us are on our way and we must go.

[To you mistress who paid
we pray to Saint Anthony to give you sanctity.

To you mistress, who have not paid,
(We wish you) Hornets in the head and wasps in the breast]