I spent time viewing the new videos on YouTube and got an interesting tip (if I go try it a few times I might remember it) and helpful discussion of "negative space" to highlight designs, but most of the segments were in a direction I'm not interested in traveling, with high-tech computerized patterns, laser cutters and dies for fabric, and automated computerized quilting (the final stitching part all over the completed "quilt sandwich.")
A clear day after a soggy week means it's too soon for yard work. Today is for making a batch of hummus to deliver to a friend who had major dental surgery and soft foods are required. I offered to make this because the soft food defaults she suggested of jello and pudding have so much sugar they can contribute to any infection, to say nothing of empty calories. The chickpeas are cooked and cooled and I'll make the dip this morning to deliver later. Serve with soft pita bread.
The messy event today will be bathing dog. Pepper got one Wednesday night but still has skunk on her (regular shampoo can't cut it) and the skunk shampoo has arrived. Cookie also needs a bath and a clean collar. The skunked dog bed is almost finished. After spraying and soaping and soaking, it wasn't draining so I put it in the washer with some wet towels as counterweight and ran it on spin only. After a little more air drying I'll zip the cover back on. Fingers crossed no more skunks enter the yard.