The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4202623
Posted By: Monique
17-May-24 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
On May 6th, Adam Fenech also sang L'estaca (1968). The lyrics describe the struggle for freedom using a metaphor of being tied to a stake, itself a metaphor for Francoist Spain.(Wikipedia)
L'ESTACA (Catalan)
Lluís Llac (1948 - )

L'avi Siset em parlava de bon matí al portal,
Mentres el sol esperàvem i els carros vèiem passar.
Siset, que no veus l'estaca a on estem tots lligats?
Si no podem desfer-nos-en mai no podrem caminar!

Si estirem tots ella caurà i molt de temps no pot durar,
Segur que tomba, tomba, tomba, ben corcada deu ser ja.
Si tu l'estires fort per aquí i jo l'estiro fort per allà,
Segur que tomba, tomba, tomba i ens podrem alliberar.

Però Siset, fa molt temps ja les mans se'm van escorxant
I quan la força se me'n va ella es més ample i més gran.
Ben cert sé que està podrida pero és que, Siset, pesa tant
Que a cops la força m'oblida, torna'm a dir el teu cant


L'avi Siset ja no diu res, mal vent que se'l va emportar,
Ell qui sap cap a quin indret i jo a sota el portal.
I, quan passen els nous vailets, estiro el coll per cantar
El darrer cant d'en Siset, el darrer que em va ensenyar.


Old/Grandpa Siset* was talking to me early in the morning on the portal,
While we waited for the sunrise and watched the carts go by.
Siset, can't you see the stake we're all tied to?
If we can't get rid of it, we'll never be able to walk!

If we all pull, it will fall and it can't last long,
Sure it will fall, it will fall, it will fall, it must be worm-eaten/rotten already.
If you pull it hard towards here and I pull it hard towards there,
Sure it will fall, it will fall, it will fall and we can break free.

But Siset, my hands have been peeling for a long time
And when the strength leaves me, it gets wider and bigger.
I pretty well know it's rotten, but Siset, it weighs so much
That sometimes the force forgets [fails] me, tell me your song again


Grandpa Siset doesn't say anything anymore, a bad wind took him away,
He who knows where and I under the porch.
And, when the new young men pass, I crane my neck to sing
Siset's last song, the last one he taught me.

*L'avi Siset was inspired by Narcís Llansa i Tubau

Lluís Llach's live rendition (1976 - Barcelona Sports Palace)
Lluís Llach's live rendition (Rivas Vaciamadrid -Madrid 2004/06/25)
Lluís Llach's live rendition with the audience (2017/07/20).

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