The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169613   Message #4203058
Posted By: GUEST,henryp
28-May-24 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: Any May songs?
Subject: RE: Any May songs?
Correct, Richard! It mentions Pomona Bay. Just for curiosity, the song (Away down to) Pomona originated in Manchester. The Pomona Palace and Gardens (named after the Roman goddess of fruit trees and orchards) were in Cornbrook, Hulme; the site was later used to build the Pomona Docks at the terminus of the Manchester Ship Canal.

Inglis Gundry notes in his introduction to Canow Kernow (published by the Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, 1966): '...the process of balladry still goes on. In the Logan Rock Inn at Treen a popular song called Way down Albert Square is gradually being transformed into a folk-song called Lamorna."