The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173348   Message #4203394
Posted By: Helen
03-Jun-24 - 05:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Geographic question: PB & ...?
Subject: BS: Geographic question: PB & ...?
Hi all,

This is a similar query to this Mudcat question: BS: Language: 'I forgot my glasses at home.' where Mudcatter meself is asking where a phrase is being used. I am interested in a geographical food question.

Over 50 years ago when I was still going to high school my Mum started making variations on PB & J, i.e. a single slice of bread topped with peanut butter and jam (here in Oz because the jelly style of fruit preserve is not as popular as jam here).

From memory she read about toppings for peanut butter in a magazine she used to buy. She started making PB & lettuce, usually as a sandwich and not open-topped, PB & marmalade, PB & banana, and I have also tried PB & sliced tomato. I love all of those variations. I've tried many times to convince my Hubby to be adventurous and eat them but he stubbornly refuses and pretends I'm not talking to him. (Husbands!)

But, recently when I watched the wonderful Frances McDormand in the movie Nomadland she was sitting eating a piece of bread topped with PB & banana slices, so now my question is how common are these PB & ... variations and where are they eaten around the world?

Or is it that Ms McDormand and I are the only two people in the world who eat PB & banana on bread?