The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173348   Message #4203429
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
04-Jun-24 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Geographic question: PB & ...?
Subject: RE: BS: Geographic question: PB & ...?
MaJo - there is a Category of food called MORE & I was first aware of it in the 90s when a friend told us this story.

He was in his 50s & about 6'6" & was attending a meeting where some lovely older ladies had prepared a magnificent afternoon tea of home made cakes etc & he didn't realise he had eaten an entire serving plate of pikelets/small pancakes. The tiny little old lady he was talking to said it was lovely to see a young man with an appetite, but he was dying of embarrassment!

Bikkies & other smallish yummy stuff come under that category.