The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173348   Message #4203543
Posted By: Charmion
06-Jun-24 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Geographic question: PB & ...?
Subject: RE: BS: Geographic question: PB & ..
Peanut butter and Cheez Whiz is a Canadian Army favourite — portable, doesn’t drip, and loaded with protein and fat, so perfect for winter in the bush. If necessary, it can even be made by a person wearing mittens. (Cheez Whiz is (was?) a more or less spreadable cheese-like substance packed in a jar. Made by the Kraft people.)

Peanut butter and sliced banana on whole-grain bread is food of the gods. This is a hill I’m willing to die on. Peanut butter with sliced apple or sliced pear (not too ripe) are good, too, but not quite as Lucullan.