I'm definitely feeling better after an acupuncture treatment at the physio clinic. Still stiff and sore, and I definitely don't enjoy bending over to clear the cats' litter box, but better. And the new insurance carrier doesn't want a prescription form. Alas, the annual cap on physiotherapy is still $500, and each treatment is $70.
The garden crew came today and did their usual bang-up job, leaving the property looking loved and cared for. I now have the beginning of a yew hedge across the back of the patio; now all I have to do (famous last words) is water it every day for the rest of the summer. Most parts of the yew tree are poisonous, which is probably why they grow so well in Stratford despite rabbit depredations. At least I hope the rabbits know that yew is poisonous, because the fluffy little fuckers have nibbled to death everything else I've ever planted in that stretch of dirt, and I'm don't want to become a serial murderer of bunny-kind. The neighbours don't like them any more than I do, but I don't think they want to start finding little corpses in their gardens.