The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31351   Message #420453
Posted By: catspaw49
18-Mar-01 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
Subject: RE: Irish in America - New CD by Dan Milner!
We went out and got haircuts, shoes, glasses adjusted, ate Thai..........You know all thoses traditional Irish things on St. Pats...........Anyway, when we got home I didn't check the mail and spent the eveing 'Catting with several Irish programs on the TV in the background. Upon checking the mail this AM, I found this package from Folk-Legacy containing this CD and a note that a lovely Irish 'Catter had requested Sandy to send it (along with instructions from the Folk-Fogey about listening to Doctors and such).

In the past couple of years I have watched most of the Irish music programs on the tube and listened to a lot of grand Irish music, but this CD is by far the best thing I have heard. I don't know who to congratulate because this is the BEST Irish Tad Recording I have ever heard. Everyone above has sung the praises of all involved and I can only weakly echo what has been said...........


Thanks to you kat for the gift.....but thanks to Dan and Bob and their lifetimes in this music and to Sandy for a superb quality CD. Beautiful work.
