The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172859   Message #4204637
Posted By: robomatic
28-Jun-24 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
I watched the entire debate, but I am a partisan (Democrat). My number one concern was for my guy not to topple over. The politics these days have been full of projection, so I thoight it might be TRMP who'd be drugged up.
I thought Biden appeared a bit weak and hard to untangle early on. He recoveed for the body of the debate, and he was employing somewhat the tactics of the Reps by being aggressive rather than sharp. Which I thought was appropriate given the frame of the debate, his opponent, and the times we are sadly living in. TRMP was handy with lies for all occasions and some whoppers, such as his insistence that the overthrow of Roe V Wade was what everyone wanted.
Biden seemed to derive energy from TRMP in that he responded to most of TRMP's assertions whether or not he could outquote or out-facct him, which is a losing tactic in the environment.
I thought Biden's closing statement was the weakest part of his performance, so I thought it was not a bad thing that Trump got the last word.

I'm hearing a lot of media talk about panicked Democrats, which I hope will settle down. Biden was still standing at the end of the day which was my main requirement. Whether or not the average American understands this, he's a true tough guy, he's kept a relevant working administration together in the wake of some major bad actors at home and abroad.

TRMP was most approximated by Berlusconi, or that was my opinion in 2016. Unfortunately for us, Berlusconi achieved re-election. I'm hoping Americans are a bit better than that. I don't know if U.K. has their own equivalent. I thought Boris might be, but I think he had more neurons firing in synchrony in his skullbox than TRMP.