The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172859   Message #4204687
Posted By: robomatic
29-Jun-24 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
Sandman you wrote:

"Biden was struggling with his words despite having two breaks."

You may not be aware (as I was not aware until recently) that Biden had speech impediment issues when he was young. They could be re-assertiing now that age is catching up with him.

I agree with your observations. I do not think that in his case they indicate COGNITIVE issues. In other words his verbal slips are more typo issues than intellect issues. His opponent has major issues, moreover, all his people, friends, political supporters, and judicial picks, have or will have major detrimental issues for the United States (although the United States will survive).

Of course, your mileage may vary.

See the entire essay by historian Heather Cox Richardson for context into what was actually going on. ---mudelf