The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172859   Message #4204766
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-Jul-24 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Trump is getting a big bang from those Supreme Court appointees - he is given limited immunity, and the writeup is just starting so you'll have to read more detailed articles later to get the fine points.

6-3 decision along party lines, that Sotomayor said "never in the history of our republic . . . The long term results are stark" as she described as immunity from horrible behavior. He'll be able to take bribes legally, let people buy pardons, etc. Making him a king.

The one plus - should Trump get into office, he wouldn't be able to charge Biden (for simply being Biden.)

We have to get through this election and immediately pass some laws that render that decision null.

With this decision, things outside of official activity are not immune, but that looks like a huge gray area while someone is in office.

"Just slap the label 'official act' on it and do what you want," says Neal Katyal.

CNN has coverage and should be readable without a paywall.

There will be a lower court hearing to discuss official acts (and it gives Judge Chutkan a lot more "official" material to look through) and decide how much of the cases Jack Smith brought can go forward. She will still have some material to work with, but they've put hurdles in the way.