The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140533   Message #4205760
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
20-Jul-24 - 12:54 AM
Thread Name: New evidence for 'shanty' origins?
Subject: RE: New evidence for 'shanty' origins?
Michillimackinac, Spring, 1763
“When the priest of St. Ann's had shrived him of his sins; when, after the parting carousal, he embarked with his comrades in the deep-laden canoe; when their oars kept time to the measured cadence of their song, and the blue, sunny bosom of the Ottawa opened before them; when their frail bark quivered among the milky foam and black rocks of the rapid; and when, around their camp-fire, they wasted half the night with jests and laughter, then the Canadian was in his element.” [p.43]

“Passing on his right the extensive Island of Bois Blanc, he sees, nearly in front, the beautiful Mackinaw, rising, with its white cliffs and green foliage, from the broad breast of the waters. He does not steer towards it, for at that day the Indians were its only tenants, but keeps along the main shore to the left, while his voyageurs raise their song and chorus.” [pp.282-3]
[History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, Parkman, 1851]
Francis Parkman Jr. (1823-1893)