The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173469   Message #4206480
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
04-Aug-24 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Southport tragedy
Subject: RE: BS: Southport tragedy
I think some people do have unhappy and difficult lives, and it all goes wrong and they become cruel and vicious.

Or as I imaine Dave would prefer - they do cruel and vicious things.
( abit like the distinction of me not being a racist, but saying something racist.)

I suppose the effect for the person on the end of the racist remark or the cruel action is much the same whoever perpetrates it.

Anyway you pays your money - yo takes your choice.

You can go the way of America and the company making lethal injections becomes part of the great capitalist success story.
Or you can wring your hands and say we can't afford to help parents and teachers and social workers who find themselves guardians of social misfits.

And of course whatever you do, you can't afford to do it for everyone in the world. The Health Service and the Welfare State was put there for the ciizens who defended and paid taxes to and loved our country.