The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173469   Message #4206756
Posted By: Neil D
09-Aug-24 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Southport tragedy
Subject: RE: BS: Southport tragedy
Watching from a distance the right-wing thuggery over the last week on the streets of Britain, I kept thinking England needs a new Cable Street reaction. Then yesterday I was encouraged by the massive response by anti-racism counter protesters who came out in big numbers in cities all over the country. Everywhere the fascists tried to start trouble they were met by antifascists with superior numbers. Not only does this take the winds out of the black sails of intolerance, it demonstrates to the world that the vast majority of British people are not far right hooligans. In one particularly heartwarming incident pub goers openly embraced a group of Muslims who happened to be walking by the pub.