The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4   Message #42068
Posted By: Big Mick
17-Oct-98 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: The Mudcat Café
Subject: RE: The Mudcat Café
We have all been giving accolades (and rightly so) to Max for giving us the land upon which we have built the city. But reading Art's post above, reminded me that it's only land and buildings, or a site and hardware, without all of you. Let me begin by saying that Art Thieme has enriched this site by his presence from the beginning. And he has enriched my life by his acts of kindness (he knows what they are) in a very personal way. I have found in him, a true friend in our cyberspace town, and it is people like him that have taken the great gift of the Mudcat and given it life. The same goes for Joe O., Roger H., Bseed, Frank i.t.s., Barbara, Harpgirl, Alison (I grow faint just typing her name in ***GRIN***), northfolk, BillD, Alan of Australia, Graeme, Maelgwyn, The Shambles, Dale Rose, Takeo, Zorro and on and on.

So in addition to the thanks we seem to be spreading for Max, I want to add my personal thanks for all of you for enriching my life.

All the best to all of you,
