The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32124   Message #4206949
Posted By: GUEST,paperback
13-Aug-24 - 02:07 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Child Owlet / Chylde Owlet
Subject: RE: Origin: Child Owlet / Chylde Owlet
Sneeding indeed pure dead brilliant

“ The extraction of the entrails was a punishment inflicted for high treason and… for damaging trees!”

Ted Goia - Love Songs: The Hidden History:

"I challenge anyone to find another song that, in just 48 short lines, deals with incest, seduction, adultery, self-mutilation, rape, torture, and murder."

"Child Owlet" was one of numerous songs that came to the attention of the California Society For The Suppression Of Vice in the late 19th Century, but was cleared, which prompted Goia to comment, "One wonders what took place in the songs seized by the authorities, if the ballads approved by the scholars broached such taboos."

Rest in peace Joe Rea