The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173477   Message #4206985
Posted By: Gallus Moll
13-Aug-24 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: fao Gallus Moll
Subject: RE: fao Gallus Moll
Thanks John, my memories of Chez Suzettes are vague - fancy co9ffee machine upstairs,, dark cellar down stairs! we all thought we were sooooo cool---!!! Played a game called 'arches'; where females were captured and had to free themselves after a kiss with both make arch formers!!!!   
It was kinda difficult winning a place at Hamilton, only a couple of others from my primary class of 54 got there - had a longish bus journey each way, and when older, playing in after school sports teams or singing in opera choir we had to get the occasional service bus back home It was a lonely existence! I think my brother had a much better time being a high flier at Uddingston, the local secondary!   
Was your wife in the school operas? They were legendary!   
A xxx