The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11656   Message #420702
Posted By: IvanB
19-Mar-01 - 01:10 AM
Thread Name: TablEdit transcription software
Subject: RE: TablEdit transcription software
Margo, I have TablEdit and I don't think it's as much a problem of it being buggy as it is of the program simply not being too intuitive to use. Since I have NoteWorthy as well, I tend not to use TablEdit unless I want tablature (and, in it's defense, I'll say I tried most of the shareware tab programs and found TablEdit to produce by far the best looking printout). Even then, I usually save a MIDI file from NoteWorthy and import it into TablEdit. I probably sound more negative about the program than I really am. Although, as I stated above, I don't think the program is easy to use, most of the others I tried were even harder to use or produced crappy looking printouts.