The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153193   Message #4207147
Posted By: cnd
17-Aug-24 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Birmingham Town (from Darby & Tarlton)
Subject: RE: ADD: Birmingham Town (from Darby & Tarlton)
Always glad to help, especially when the original poster is still around!

Sorry for the delay in getting back -- just coming back from vacation. I largely agree with the first correction: it definitely is New York, but I think it's "New York, I stopped to rest." And similarly for what Uncle Sam says, I agree with the latter half of your transcription but still think I hear "town" rather than "life," though it is admittedly pretty garbled.

I'm not totally convinced about Washington at the end -- it seems like it's missing the middle syllable to me, but it would jive better with the rest of the song.