The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173495   Message #4207182
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Dow
18-Aug-24 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: Scottish Gems From K Goldstein Archive
Subject: RE: Scottish Gems From K Goldstein Archive
Kenny Goldstein was a good acquaintance, and I stayed with him and his family in Philadelphia, while working in his Folklore and Folk life department at the Uni. We swapped stories in his Folk life class. It's good to see his collection made accessible. I am not quite sure what the 'Ole Miss Goldstein' reference is. His daughters were both involved in Folklore, although one moved on to other things. Kenny died about thirty years ago, and the more research I undertake, the more his name crops up. I spent three days in his library, but I was very young and inexperienced. How I wish etc. etc.
The last conversation I had about him was with Margaret Bennett and had an update on the family. I remember him telling me how fond he was of his collection from Newfoundland, but alas he never mentioned his Scots songs. By the way we were both fans of working with wood. He was very accomplished and I spent a pleasant hour in his garage while he worked upon a DVD/TV cabinet.
Good memories.