Good you have that answer then! Sorry to nag about it here, but you're too far away to run over and check on. I had a bottle of salt tablets in my climbing gear to combat leg cramps that could make life difficult on long climbs. Those things last forever; I haven't looked in the backpack in years - I wonder what is still in there? It's probably full of mud dauber nests - they build on anything, including fabric.
I cluttered the garage with several burlap bags of mulch picked up from the free compost bunker nearby. I had to drive a convoluted route to get there as highway construction intrudes on entrance and exit ramps in my area.
Online work this afternoon then sewing this evening. Since it's Wednesday, one of my allowed watering days, I'll also set a timer and run out several times after 5pm to move the sprinkler around, focusing on the areas I want to weed and mulch. The soil is rock hard these days, there's no pulling out roots of weeds unless I water.