The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173510 Message #4207543
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
27-Aug-24 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: Punt Gun Song - origins? - Australian??
Subject: Punt Gun Song - origins?
A friend learnt this song from another Australian singer 30+ years ago & was wanting more info.
Searching for 'punt gun song' or 'punt gun' or 'Two ounce of powder and a pound of shot' all bring up info about shooting & these guns, & videos by a group called Punt Guns!
Does anyone have any more information?
Two ounce of powder and a pound of shot, A hundredweight of punt gun lashed to a boat, Wild geese and ducks in dozens have I shot, Wild fowling is me trade lads, Wild fowling is me trade
I come from Selby in the county of York, With my gun on my shoulder I can hardly walk, Nine foot barrel, one and a half inch bore, Wild fowling is me trade lads, Wild fowling is me trade
I lay in me punt all cold and wet, When the wind off the river would freeze you dead, I pull the trigger and the boat jumps back, Wild fowling is me trade lads, Wild fowling is me trade