The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173510   Message #4207582
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
27-Aug-24 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: Punt Gun Song - origins? - Australian??
Subject: RE: Punt Gun Song - origins? - Australian??
dunno whether I want to watch the mass slaughter of birds!

The song was sung by an unaccompanied singer with an English/Australian repertoire. I had thought it was more likely an English song, but just found this article. Punt guns, picks and paintings among the historical oddities of Ballarat Town Hall - OMG! check out the pic of the gun

When I was posting early songs collected in Australia on the Bush Music Club Blog - Fran Shaw's songsheets - 4 articles - Part 1 - 1956-57 - some didn't "exist" until I posted them, it looks like this song doesn't exist, either.   

But maybe someone, somewhere, remembers someone singing it in the early days.