The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173510 Message #4207593
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
28-Aug-24 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: Punt Gun Song - origins? - Australian??
Subject: RE: Punt Gun Song - origins? - Australian??
YAH!!!!!!!! Many thankyous - Gold star, pat on the back & happy dance to you - three drawings (not emojis) I send to friends who have done well
Punt Guns appear to have been invented in the early 19th century.
I'll pass your post to my friend
sandra 1870s ... The United States government stepped in and banned the practice of using punt guns around 1860. Following this move, there was a whole bunch of laws enforced all over the States which limited the hunting of endangered birds. In 1918, the practice of hunting endangered birds was outlawed completely by federal law.