Greedy perhaps but impeccable choice of songs. Let us just see if I have the carriage returns right.KATY DEAR
Oh, Katy Dear, go ask your father
If you might be a bride of mine.
If he says yes then come and tell me.
If he says no, we'll run away.I cannot go and ask my father,
For he is on his bed of rest,
And by his side there's a golden dagger
To pierce the heart I love the best.Oh Katy Dear, go ask your mother
If you might be a bride of mine.
If she says yes then come and tell me.
If she says no, we'll run away.I cannot go and ask my mother,
For she is on her bed of rest,
And by her side there's silver dagger
To pierce the heart I love the best.(And right in here ya just gotta have a verse played on the Autoharp.)
He picked up a silver dagger
He pierced it through his wounded breast
Farewell Katy, farewell darling
I'll die for the one I love the best.She picked up the bloody weapon
She pierced it through her snow-white breast.
Farewell Momma Farewell Poppa
I'll go with the one I love the best.HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 23-May-02.