The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1337   Message #4208
Posted By:
22-Apr-97 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: Lyr req: Ian & Sylvia songs. Katy Dear, others
Subject: Lyr Add: KATY DEAR (Ian & Sylvia)^^
Greedy perhaps but impeccable choice of songs. Let us just see if I have the carriage returns right.


Oh, Katy Dear, go ask your father
If you might be a bride of mine.
If he says yes then come and tell me.
If he says no, we'll run away.

I cannot go and ask my father,
For he is on his bed of rest,
And by his side there's a golden dagger
To pierce the heart I love the best.

Oh Katy Dear, go ask your mother
If you might be a bride of mine.
If she says yes then come and tell me.
If she says no, we'll run away.

I cannot go and ask my mother,
For she is on her bed of rest,
And by her side there's silver dagger
To pierce the heart I love the best.

(And right in here ya just gotta have a verse played on the Autoharp.)

He picked up a silver dagger
He pierced it through his wounded breast
Farewell Katy, farewell darling
I'll die for the one I love the best.

She picked up the bloody weapon
She pierced it through her snow-white breast.
Farewell Momma Farewell Poppa
I'll go with the one I love the best.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 23-May-02.