The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173497   Message #4208072
Posted By: Helen
08-Sep-24 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cycling MUST be made illegal in UK
Subject: RE: BS: Cycling MUST be made illegal in UK
I'm sure she'll have more time to prepare for her Darwin award.

I saw a couple of girls on skateboards near my home. One of them stacked it, looked like she had seriously hurt her ankle and was sitting on the side of the road crying in pain. I grabbed my keys and phone and I was just about to go over and do the first aid check when her mother drove up, and without a word, pulled her up to limp painfully to the car and definitely did not do a first aid check before she drove off. Maybe the mother should get the Darwin education award because she obviously was preparing her daughter to be awarded it in the future.