The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139445   Message #4208098
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
09-Sep-24 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Good Results w/ Old Equipment - Turntables
Subject: RE: Tech: Good Results w/ Old Equipment - Turntables
Good timing, I've recently turned my attention to some of the electronics here (picked up to sell on eBay, or keep myself if they're in really good shape.)

I recently researched speakers in order to set up some surround sound for the television and looked up the large walnut speakers that came from my Dad's house in the 1990s. Now vintage, they are an ESS HD Series and those used speakers go for megabuck prices like our recently-departed Richard Bridge mentioned about a used amplifier at the top of the thread. Some of these things really hold their value.